Publication Process

Peer Review Process

Every submission to BIOLINGUISTICS will be screened for relevance and topicality by the Editor-in-Chief, before it is being passed on to an Associate Editor who will handle the submission throughout the peer-review process.
Schematic of peer-review process at BIOLINGUISTICS.
Submissions deemed suitable for review will be sent to at least two external peer-reviewers. In addition, the handling Associate Editor or the Editor-in-Chief may decide to sent the manuscript to a suitable member of the Editorial Board or Advisory Board for further evaluation. This entire process always adheres to the principle of double blind peer-review. The handling Associate Editor will consult with the Editor-in-Chief to reach a decision on the manuscript on grounds of the external reviews and, if applicable, the additional review from a member of the Editorial Board or Advisory Board.

Note that Registered Reports are not sent for review, the editorial decision is based on the PCI RR recommendation.

Peer reviews can be expected within 6-8 weeks of submission.